514 322 6844



As a company specializing in the restoration of contaminated sites, respecting the environment
 is one of our top priorieties.


In accordance with our mission, values and corporate policies, We have implemented the following measures in order to minimize the impact that our activities, services and products have on the environment :



  • To prevent pollution (water, air, soil).
  • To act in conformity with municipal, provincial and federal laws.
  • To minimize waste and maximize the reclaiming and recycling of residual materials on each of our worksites, on both an internal and external level.
  • To sensitize and train our staff and partners in regards to our environmental policies by making them responsible for their actions.
  • To constantly improve our environmental policies through the systematic re-evaluation of our objective targets and environmental performance.

L'environment notre metier!





© ENTREPRISE PAVCO INC. Tous droits réservés